
Characterization of hemocytes and hematopoietic cells of a freshwater crayfish based on single-cell transcriptome analysis, Söderhäll I, Fasterius E, Ekblom C, Söderhäll K (2022). iScience 25(8), 104850.

Single-cell transcriptional pharmacodynamics of trifluridine in a tumor-immune model,
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Extensive rewiring of the EGFR network in colorectal cancer cells expressing transforming levels of KRASG13D, Kennedy S, Jarboui M, Srihari S, Raso C, Bryan K, Dernayka L, Charitou T, Bernal-Llinares M, Herrera-Montavez C, Krstic A, Matallanas D, Kotlyar M, Jurisica I, Curak J, Wong V, Stagljar I, LeBihan T, Imrie L, Pillai P, Lynn M, Fasterius E, Al-Khalili Szigyarto C, Breen J, Kiel C, Serrano L, Rauch N, Rukhlenko O, Kholodenko B, Iglesias-Martinez L, Ryan C, Pilkington R, Cammareri P, Sansom O, Shave S, Auer M, Horn N, Klose F, Ueffing M, Boldt K, Lynn D & Kolch W (2020). Nature Communications, 11(1), 1–14.

Blood-derived biomarkers correlate with clinical progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Strandberg K, Ayoglu B, Roos A, Reza M, Niks E, Signorelli M, Fasterius E, Pontén F, Lochmüller H, Domingos J, Alaj P, Muntoni F, Aartsma-Rus A, Spitali P, Nilsson P, A-Khalili Szigyarto C (2020). Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, 7(3), 231–246.

Single-cell RNA-seq variant analysis for exploration of genetic heterogeneity in cancer,
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SeqCAT: A bioconductor R-package for variant analysis of high throughput sequencing data,
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Transcriptional and metabolic rewiring of colorectal cancer cells expressing the oncogenic KRASG13D mutation, Charitou, T, Srihari, S, Lynn, M A, Jarboui, M A, Fasterius E, Moldovan, M, Shirasawa S Tsunoda T Ueffing M Xie J Xin J Wang X Proud C Boldt K Al-Khalili Szigyarto C Kolch W Lynn, D J (2019). British Journal of Cancer, 121(1), 37–50.

Analysis of public RNA- sequencing data reveals biological consequences of genetic heterogeneity in cell line populations, Fasterius E & Al-Khalili Szigyarto C (2018). Scientific Reports, 8(1)(1), 1–11.

Transcriptome profiling of the interconnection of pathways involved in malignant transformation and response to hypoxia, Danielsson F, Fasterius E, Sullivan D, Hases L, Sanli K, Zhang C, Mardinoglu A, Al-Khalili C, Huss M, Uhlén M, Williams C, Lundberg E (2018). Oncotarget, 9(28), 19730–19744.

A novel RNA sequencing data analysis method for cell line authentication, Fasterius E, Raso C, Kennedy S, Rauch N, Lundin P, Kolch W, Uhlén M, Al-Khalili Szigyarto C, (2017). PloS One, 12(2), e0171435.

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